Waterloo Bay Leisure Centre April events - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views

Who will win this year’s Easter bonnet contest? Fay Stewart and Daphne Hyde wearing Easter bonnets. Photo: Supplied.


12th April, 9.30am – Special Easter Concert with entertainment by Lachlan Wallace.
Doors open at 9.30am for morning tea followed by the concert from 10.15am to 11.45am. Lunch is served at 12pm. The cost is $25 and includes morning tea, concert and a two-course hot lunch. There will be a prize for the best Easter bonnet, lucky door prizes and raffles.

26th April, 9.30am – Concert with entertainer Dennis Boland.
Doors open at 9.30am for morning tea followed by the concert from 10.15am to 11.45am, followed by a two-course hot lunch. The cost is $10 for the concert plus morning tea, plus an additional $10 for the two-course hot lunch. There will be lucky door prizes and raffles.

Bookings are essential for all concerts. Please phone 3396 9488 to make a booking.


Saturday 23rd April from 8am to 1pm
The market showcases local talented artists and craftspeople. Buy yourself an original painting or some of the beautiful handicrafts created within the Centre, including artwork, crafts, jewellery, clothing, home-baked goods, plants and much more.

There’s over 70 amazing market stalls inside the auditorium and outside in the cottage grounds. Enjoy a delicious Devonshire Tea on the cottage verandah and be greeted by Iris the Pink Lady. Fresh scones for the Devonshire Teas are baked on-site on market day. The cottage is also open for viewing on market day.

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