Dancercise - Disability Program - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views

Dancercise – Disability Program

Event information


Every Thursday from 10:15 am-11:15 am


Here's to Life Redlands Inc
Redlands Memorial Hall, 46 Smith St




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Renee 0408 717 342
[email protected]

About the event

Dancercise is an interactive Program for People Living with a disability. Here’s to Life is a most unique organisation in that it caters to both able-bodied people of the community, and also those people in the community who live with a disability. And there is no restriction on what that disability might be: intellectual and/or physical.

The fun and inclusive program is run at the Redlands Memorial Hall, Smith Street, Cleveland.

Dancercise has been uniquely designed and developed as a health and wellbeing program encouraging movement, exercise and musicality. Even those who are confined to a wheelchair are able to participate! We have found over time that the carers and volunteers have as much fun as the participants, and thrive on the joy that the program brings to all.

As a result of the class we constantly see participants not only having a ball and achieving mightily, but also improving their fitness and strength, cognition and coordination.

About the host