KEEPING OUR CHILDREN SAFE ONLINE - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views


Event information


18 May 23 at 5:30 pm-8:00 pm


Wynnum Manly League's Club
92 Wondall Road




Loris Neff 0466 082 002

Hosted By

Zonta Club of Wynnum Redland Inc

About the event

Starting the conversation – educating the parent.

Navigating a se*ed-up world: How can we help our children resist harmful messages from media + pop culture and aspire to respectful relationships?

Have you noticed that your young person seems to be growing up too fast? That they are worried about their appearance and more aware of sexual issues at earlier stages. Children and young people are bombarded with hypersexualized messages from media and popular culture. Even small children are worried about their looks and physical appearance, shaped and conditioned at the earliest of ages by a dominant message that tells them they have to be ‘hot’ be liked and accepted.

Our first speaker is Melinda Tankard Reist who is an Australian author, speaker, commentator and advocate with a special interest in issues affecting women and girls.

Our second speaker is a member of Queensland Police – AGROS division who investigate online exploitation and abuse.

Our final speaker is from the “Think U Know? They will address areas such as self-produced child exploitation (sexting), privacy and inappropriate/unwanted contact, online grooming, image-based abuse, …

About the host
Global organization of women working to advance the status of women.