Prostate Breakfast Fundraiser - Redlands Volunteer Branch, CCQ - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views

Prostate Breakfast Fundraiser – Redlands Volunteer Branch, CCQ

Event information


6 Sep 23 at 7:00 am-9:30 am


Gallipoli Room, Redlands RSL, 8 Passage St, Cleveland




Jenine 0411724658 - [email protected]

Hosted By

Redlands Volunteer Branch - Cancer Council Qld

About the event

Cancer Council Qld, Redlands Volunteer Branch will be hosting a fundraising breakfast shining a light on prostate cancer on Wednesday 6th September at the Redlands RSL.
Prostate Cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australia, and it is estimated that one in six males will be diagnosed by the time they are 85.
Special guests include Man Up! (non for profit organisation that educates men about prostate cancer), Radiation Specialist from Icon Cancer Centre who deliver cancer care for the Australian community, and hypnotist Jaden Boon.
Tickets are $40 per person, there will be raffles and a lucky door prize. All proceeds raised will be going to Cancer Council Queensland’s research, support, prevention and early detection programs

Bookings RSVP to Jenine 0411724658 – [email protected]

About the host
You local community supporter, Redlands Volunteer Branch Cancer Council Qld consists of over 60 dedicated members who are passionate about raising funds for a cancer free future. Each year we raise over $100,000 that contributes to vital cancer research, support services for patients and their families, and prevention and early detection campaigns.
Cancer never rests, so neither do we!