About Branches Lifestyle Support
A small disability service encouraging people to lead BIG lives!
BRANCHES LIFESTYLE SUPPORT offers Supported Independent Living (SIL) services to adults with an intellectual and/or physical disability in the Brisbane area, though most of our houses are in the Eastern and Bayside regions. We also have a community hub based in Wynnum that hosts a variety of skills-based programs on weekdays for adults with an intellectual and/ or physical disability.
We believe all people regardless of the impact of any disability they may have, have the absolute right to lead a rewarding, fulfilling life, with all of the benefits enjoyed by those people who do not have a disability.
In order to achieve this aim, we know how important it is to listen to the people we support and foster and encourage their ability to make choices for themselves as much as possible regarding the running of their lives.
We understand that each individual is unique, and therefore the support we plan for them is tailored entirely to meet their individual needs and wants. A lot of time goes in to this planning and it is probably the aspect of our service that we are most proud of.
We understand that people with disabilities and their families often have to deal with a lot of frustrating obstacles when trying to make plans for life.
At Branches, our aim is to try and remove those hurdles. We don’t like to be limited to traditional ways of thinking and doing things when it comes to providing support. It just takes a bit of creativity and determination. We like to aim high, think big, and see what we can do.
We also acknowledge that people’s support needs are often complex and ever-changing. Our aim is to be flexible enough in our service delivery to be able to meet these demands as they happen, not two months down the track. We work closely with all stakeholders to ensure this occurs.