Do you need an aged care specialist? - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views
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Savannah Falzon from Retirement Care Solutions is a Retirement and Aged Care Specialist who identified the need to support retirees struggling with confusion and feeling trapped in their current lifestyle. Her aim is to help retirees who are in fear of making the wrong decisions when considering their options for care and their lifestyle requirements.

Savannah says many factors can impact a retiree’s ability to make the right decisions in retirement.

“Years of memories in their family home, affordability and that actual physical house move are stopping many retirees from living a retirement dream,” said Savannah.

Savannah assisted her mum with a move into retirement living. She wanted her mum to have peace of mind, security, and a low-maintenance home once her father passed away. It was through this experience and later working in the retirement and aged care industries that Savannah realised not all retirees and seniors fit in the same peg hole. That’s why Savannah founded Retirement Care Solutions. This service provides honest and unbiased advice to help pave a personalised and peaceful path to a new way of living.

Savannah is always encouraging clients to consider the move sooner rather than later. She has often seen a retiree lose the opportunity to choose where they would like to move due to ill health or some other significant life-changing episode.

Savannah offers a complimentary analysis and consultation to assist retirees in identifying options that can ultimately help them with the right choices to suit their needs. Once Savannah has completed her consultation and analysis and spent time with her clients getting to know and understand their situation better, she provides solutions, freedom and confidence for her clients to make their own decisions.

Savannah can be contacted at 07 3518 4171 or scan the QR code or visit for more details.