Finding calm in a busy world - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views
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By Simone Linssen, Lethbridge Gallery

Marisa Veerman’s artworks are soft to the eye but big on impact, conveying a childhood innocence and fragility while possessing a striking presence.

Focusing on slowing down in a rapidly changing world, Marisa’s new collection is aptly titled Eunoia, implying ‘beautiful thinking or a well mind’. This new collection Invites viewers to find the beauty in creating calm and steadying the mind.

With a background in textiles, Marisa utilises a unique technique fusing photography and embroidery. The threads add layers of intricacy and detail to the fleeting images. A final wax varnish casts a painterly quality, challenging traditional ideals of photography and painting.

Marisa has been a finalist in many awards, including the Brisbane Portrait Prize and the Clayton Utz Art Award, and has shown and sold her works nationally and internationally.

Eunoia is showing at Lethbridge Gallery Paddington from 30 July-17 August 2021. All works can viewed online at