Local Agent Profiles - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views
Real Estate

Name: Sandi Sharp.
Suburb: Lota, Manly West.

What’s your business? Dream maker, problem solver!

Do you have any fun/interesting stories about your job? There’s too many to list, every day is so different.

What’s your favorite local dine-in and take-away? Tida Thai at Manly West, and Cambridge Lane at Manly.

Best local activity? Manly farmers’ market and Sunday creative markets, and Wynnum/Manly Community Gardens.

Is there anything you’d like to see happen in the local area? More outside activities, like yoga, tai chi in the park…

Is there a local business/community group/club you’d like to give a shout-out to?
Small Crop café. Toby and Kate are beautiful, positive people who care deeply about the local community and contribute beautiful food to Signal Flare – Helping the Homeless.

Also, the Wynnum Manly Community Garden creates a beautiful positive environment that brings people together who appreciate the important things in life, with good wholesome food, grown locally, and a community worth looking after and staying connected with. I love being a part of this group.

Sales Results

Your shortest sale time? 24 hours.
Longest sale time? Hmmmmm.
Properties you sold in 2021? 26 happy new home owners.

Name: Helen Politis.
Suburb: Wynnum.

What’s your business? Real Estate Agent – Belle Property.

Do you have any fun/interesting stories about your job? There’s too many! I love being on the journey with my clients and exceeding their expectations. I recently helped a family with five kids prepare their property for sale by sending them on a holiday to the Gold Coast. When they returned a week later, my team had painted, landscaped, carpeted, styled, cleaned and sold the property for $1.37m! A record price! 

What’s your favorite local dine-in and take-away? Manly Boathouse is my new favourite for both dine-in and takeaway. I love being able to walk to over 25 restaurants in my neighbourhood. We are so spoilt for choice.

Best local activity? Majestic Movies – my husband and I walk to the new cinema every Wednesday night for date night and love the indulgent luxury of the Crown Class seats.

Is there anything you’d like to see happen in the local area? I loved the Wynnum Fringe festival last year and can’t wait for it again in November! I would love to see more events like this. Brisbane City Council are running the concerts in the parks and there are two concerts coming up in Wakerley which I’m looking forward to. 

Is there a local business/community group/club you’d like to give a shout-out to? Cedar & Pine has proved that community is what it’s all about. Mali has given us all a lesson in customer service and compassion and this resonates with me and the entire Belle Property family.

Sales Results

Your shortest sale time? One day.
Your longest sale time? 126 days.
Properties you sold in 2021? 25.