Make changes now to avoid the energy price soar predicted for 2023 - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views
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With the 30% increase in electricity prices predicted for 2023, now is a great time to start making changes in your home to avoid feeling the pinch of high energy bills. There are a number of simple and effective steps you can take to reduce your energy consumption, save money on electricity and help protect the environment.

1. Invest in a home solar power system
Solar power systems help reduce electricity bills and put money back into your pocket. As solar energy is generated during daylight hours, you will be using solar power to offset your home’s electricity usage while reducing your energy costs.

2. Update old or worn-out appliances to new ones with a higher energy star rating
Replacing outdated or broken appliances with fresh and more efficient models boasting higher energy star ratings is one of the most viable methods to not only conserve electricity but also significantly reduce your utility bills.

3. Add window dressings for increased insulation
Adding curtains, blinds or awnings to your home can help insulate it from the elements and keep your heating or cooling in.

4. Switching lightbulbs from halogen to LED = less heat
Switching to LED lights and bulbs is one of the most effective ways of reducing your electricity bills and saving energy costs with LED’s using up to 90% less power than traditional halogen bulbs.

Overall, there are many simple and cost-effective changes you can make to your home that will help reduce energy costs and avoid the forecast energy price hike in 2023. Remember, Fallon Solutions is always here to help with your solar system, lighting, and any electrical needs.

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