Save money and the planet: everyday actions for a low carbon home - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views
Real Estate


Our homes are a sanctuary — a welcome place for loved ones, and the backdrop to some of the most precious and significant moments in our lives. They’re also our biggest assets, requiring ongoing upkeep and adaptation to ensure they suit our changing lives and world. With an increased global focus on lowering carbon emissions, it’s time for Brisbane residents to step up to the carbon challenge, and it all begins at home.

What is the Brisbane Carbon Challenge?
The Brisbane Carbon Challenge is a free initiative developed in partnership with Brisbane City Council and Brisbane Sustainability Agency. It’s about supporting residents to reduce their household carbon footprint and save money by focusing on three key areas: energy, waste and transport.

Offering a range of carbon reduction actions to suit any home, lifestyle or budget, some of the recommendations may enhance the value or attractiveness of your home to future buyers, and all of the recommendations have the potential to save you money.

Where to begin?
To monitor your household progress, you need to start with a benchmark. Log on to the, input your household data and learn your estimated carbon emissions.

Take action!
There are a variety of everyday actions you can take to lower your emissions and save money.

  • Set your air conditioner between 24-26 degrees in summer and 18-20 degrees in winter: for every degree you set your thermostat away from the outside temperature, there is around a 10% increase in energy consumption. SAVING: approximately $67-$135/year and 0.25 to 0.5tCO2-e
  • Use LED light bulbs: Lighting represents about 10%of household energy costs, and LED lights consume roughly 80% less energy. SAVING: approximately $110/year and 0.4tCO2-e
  • Install rooftop solar: A 5kW solar system produces enough energy to meet the needs of an average Brisbane home. Avoid purchased electricity costs and sell excess electricity back to the grid. SAVING: approximately $1,400/year and 4.5tCO2-e.

For more everyday sustainability actions for your home visit