Tips for Brisbane businesses and households to avoid rising electricity prices - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views
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By now you’ve probably heard about the rises in energy prices. But what does it mean for your household bills or the operating costs of your business?

As of July 1, new tariff rates came into effect, which will see your electricity provider increasing its prices. To safeguard customers against unjustifiably high prices, the Australian Energy Regulator has capped the default market offer for households in South East Queensland at 11.3%. For SEQ small businesses, the increase has been capped at 12.8%.

Still, a rise in energy prices of this size can greatly impact your budget. However, there is a silver lining:

You’re more in control of your energy bill than you may think.

Whether you’re a household or a small business owner, here are five key considerations to help you reduce your energy consumption and avoid the big price hikes.

1. Know ‘what’ is contributing to your bill
Investing in a digital energy reader (which your energy retailer might provide) or a home energy monitoring system will help you know what your biggest energy-guzzler is.
If you’re a small business, taking the Sustainable Business Hub Energy Calculator will give you a good idea of how your consumption stacks up against your industry and where the average energy consumption is coming from for your type of business. Visit the calculator here:

2. Know ‘when’ you’re using energy and ‘how much’ it’s costing you
If you know when you are consuming energy and the tariffs you’re on (for example, time of use, single rate, demand, control load and solar export), you can make decisions to reduce your energy costs.

3. Start taking small steps
When you know the ‘what’, ‘when’ and ‘how much’ relating to your energy use, you’re in a much better place to make informed decisions about where to take action to reduce your energy use.

If you’re a small business, the resources provided in the Energy Calculator (step 1) will help you get started.
For households, take the Brisbane Carbon Challenge at to learn tips and advice on how to reduce your energy consumption, bills and environmental footprint.

4. Shop around
Electricity retailers change their rates every year, so make sure you shop around annually to know you’re getting the best deal.

5. Know that help is available
If you’re experiencing hardship, reach out to your energy provider to discuss payment flexibility. Energy retailers are bound under National Energy Retail Rules to provide payment plans and hardship programs to customers.

The good news is that whether you’re a business owner or household, lowering your environmental footprint can also help you save on bills. Becoming energy-savvy is a win-win for the planet and your bottom line.

If you’re a household, take the Brisbane Carbon Challenge at

If you’re a small or medium-sized business, take the Sustainable Business Hub Energy Calculator at