It’s the simple things that make the bayside great! - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views

If one iconic location in Wynnum Manly has a magnetic pull, it’s the rock wall at Norfolk Point. It’s where you may have been proposed to, broken up with (ouch), met a new fishing buddy, saw your first dugong or contemplated a big life decision. The bay breeze is meditative, and watching the ever-changing scenery is a worthy time-waster.

Dropping a line from the rock wall is about more than just catching fish. It’s about community, finding kindred spirits, and random conversations that turn into hour-long chats. And if you catch a fish, that’s a bonus.

According to local fisherman Spero Kartanos, the bay is teeming with squid this month. Dropping a line from a jetty or rock wall in the evening might get you the freshest calamari dinner you’ve ever had! Check out page 35 for Spero’s simple squid fishing tips.

Whether you get your catch of the day from the bay or support a local take-away shop or restaurant, the social benefits of being out and about in the community are good for the soul.

Pictured: Tessa and Steve Pattinson of Manly enjoy an afternoon fish at the rock wall at Norfolk Point, Manly.