Local Personality PROFILES - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views

Name: Andria Copp.

Suburb: I live in Wakerley and work in Wynnum.

What’s your business? Le Buste Lingerie, 3C/57 Edith St, Wynnum.

Do you have any fun/interesting stories about your job? I get to find perfect fits for women all day! It’s like a girl’s day out every day for me. It’s amazing how a perfectly fitted bra can change absolutely everything mostly importantly confidence.  The change in strut is phenomenal!

What’s your favourite local dine-in and take-away? Our last night out was at the Manly Boathouse for our 10th anniversary and WOW we loved it! I’m a regular at Colossal Café – their grilled vege wrap is my lunch go-to.

Best local activity? Walking along the esplanade then getting my toes in the sand at Pandanus Beach.

The last book you read? Short Fat Chick to Marathon Runner by Kerre Woodham. I’ve just re-read this book, lots of giggles and inspiration (I have absolutely no desire to do a marathon myself though).

The last tv show or movie you watched? Yellowstone.

Is there anything you’d like to see happen in the local area? All the shops filled with unique stores, and laneways transformed into hidden gems.  

Is there a local business/community group/club you’d like to give a shout-out to? Mali from Cedar & Pine, and Danielle from Sobidah for the advice, support and friendship.

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