Local personality profiles - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views

Name: Bernard Lakey.

Suburb: Wynnum.

What’s your business? Financial Accountant and current Greens candidate for Bonner.

Do you have any fun/interesting stories about your job? Some people might think accounting sounds boring, but the profession does some unexpected things. For example in 2019 I started the Sustainability – Accounting for Climate Change discussion group which looks at how accounting standards are changing to incorporate Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) reporting.

What’s your favourite local dine-in and takeaway? The Cedar and Pine – great service!

Best local activity? I have grandkids, so it has to be the Wynnum Wading Pool for us.

What’s the last book you read? Most recent would be Big: The Role of the State in the Modern Economy by Richard Denniss (Chief Economist at The Australia Institute).

Is there anything you’d like to see happen in the local area? I’d love to see greater protections for our coastline and wetlands to protect them from developments like the Toondah Harbour proposal. Properly preserved for the community, they’re a great natural asset.

Is there a local business/community group/club you’d like to give a shout-out to? I may be biased as I’m a volunteer on the local executive, but OzFish is a great little organisation! The Central Moreton Bay chapter’s shellfish reef restoration project is currently working to rejuvenate aquatic life, and improve fishing, seagrass habitat and water quality in the bay.

Name: Kim Prior.

Suburb: Wakerley.

What’s your business?  Owner of a locally based engineering company and TNL candidate for the seat of Bonner.

Do you have any fun/interesting stories about your job?  I have been really fortunate in my job to be able to work in different places around Australia and overseas, and have spent a lot of time in Latin America and the Caribbean. Sounds more glamourous than it is! I have had some really rewarding personal and professional experiences, but I have also had some hair-raising ones. Now as the TNL candidate for Bonner, I have the chance to meet so many interesting people and hear their stories.  Every day I am amazed at what people are able to achieve.

What’s your favourite local dine-in and take-away? Both Casa di Louie and Marine World Seafood (I am quite partial to a prawn cutlet) are really close to me.

Best local activity? Movies at the Majestic, bevvy on Bay Terrace, Manly Markets, and walking on the esplanade.

What’s the last book you read? Doc – The life & times of Aussie rock legend Doc Neeson, because I remember seeing the Angels at the Mansfield Tavern a million years ago, and Return of the King by William Dalrymple, to learn more about Afghanistan. 

Is there anything you’d like to see happen in the local area? I have a long list, but building community connections. We have some amazing people living in our area, let’s build on that. Oh, and we need public toilets on Bay Terrace in Wynnum. 

Is there a local business/community group/club you’d like to give a shout-out to? I am so impressed with the work of Babi and the Wynnum Community Centre.

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