Sun safety in pets - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views


Living in Queensland, we all grow up knowing the risks of sun exposure – sunburn and the development of skin cancers are very common. Did you know that our pets are also at risk of damage from the sun? Animals may develop a skin condition called actinic (solar) dermatitis or skin cancers.

Animals at risk
A good fur coat usually provides good protection from the sun. Dogs and cats with a lighter-coloured coat and short fur are more at risk from sun exposure. Bull terriers, Staffordshire bull terriers, Dalmatians and Greyhounds and white cats are prone to sun damage on their skin. Some dogs like to sunbathe, exposing their belly, which generally has less fur – this area is often affected by sun exposure.

What does sun damage look like?
Actinic dermatitis starts on white fur, which may become patchy, and the underlying skin becomes red and irritated. A secondary bacterial infection may occur, which results in a pimply, red rash.

Haemangiomas and haemangiosarcomas are blood vessel tumours that can develop on the less furred areas – the belly and inside of the back legs are common sites.

The ear tips and noses of white cats are common sites for the development of squamous cell carcinomas – an aggressive skin cancer. Lesions may initially appear as a non-healing scab but can progress to become very destructive, resulting in loss of underlying tissue.

Skin cancer requires surgical treatment – it can be difficult as there are often multiple tumours spread across a large area. Cats with squamous cell carcinoma may be treated with a combination of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.

Antibiotics and topical steroids may be used to control infection and inflammation associated with actinic dermatitis.

The key to prevention is reducing sun exposure. If possible, pets should be kept inside through the hottest part of the day when UV rays are at their most dangerous. There are specific pet sunscreens available which may be applied to the less furred areas of the body. Sunsuits are like wet suits and are designed to protect the whole body. These products may all be sourced online.

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