A THANK YOU TO ALL AT NATIONAL SENIORS - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views

Photo: Supplied.

When I joined National Seniors the first thing that happened to me was that I immediately felt at home and that is because of the friendship that was offered to me. All I had to do was take it.

The second thing, which brings me joy every day, is that I won a raffle. The prize was a throw (pictured) with bright, happy, coloured squares, lovingly crocheted by one of a group of women who are the backbone of our club, National Seniors Wynnum/Manly Branch.

All have a long history of service to our club, working behind the scenes, crafting special occasion cards and arranging guest speakers, organising games of trivia, cooking and running the Bring and Buy table with the proceeds subsidising activities for members, being the club contact for over a decade and mentoring newbies, organising entertainment for meetings, and much more.

These special women embody the spirit of our older generation, as they do in thousands of organisations across Australia. We are lucky to have these special women by our side and we thank them all.

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