TEACHING TECHNOLOGY FOR FUN AT WROCCS - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views


WROCCS is a local computer club helping over 50s to navigate the computer world. All our coaches are volunteers, seniors, and very knowledgeable on their subjects.

This month, Jim is teaching us how to arrange our photos into albums on Google Photos – or rather Google will be doing the work, we just have to know how to press the right buttons!

Laurel will be continuing her class’s exploration of MS Word, a very versatile word processing tool.

Lavina will be helping her class come to grips with the basics of computing, and in her spare time, she will be teaching students a variety of Apple phone applications, and other subjects of their choice, on a one-to-one basis.

Pia is our Family History teacher. She has been researching her own family history for a number of years and has helped many people find their lost ancestors.

Rick only does one-on-ones, but he is very knowledgeable and versatile in what he can teach.

We conduct classes, one-on-ones and workshops, and we also have a club day once a month on the second Tuesday at Wynnum Community Centre where you can make new friends and talk to a coach about what you have been learning or discuss the next step to further your knowledge

Learning how to use the internet safely, avoiding scams and finding that certain something on the internet that you always wanted, are just a few of the lessons our volunteer coaches will teach.

You could be a beginner not knowing how to even turn on your computer or start your smartphone, or someone who is ready for the next step to surprising your children or grandchildren with your extra knowledge. Come along and join WROCCS and our friendly volunteer coaches will be only too willing to show you how with classes about the internet, Microsoft programs, tablets, smartphones, family history and much more.

If you think your memory isn’t what it used to be, and you’re all out of practice at learning new things, we understand this? However, computers have pretty well taken over the world so we think you may as well join in, at least enough to feel comfortable with them .

Do you think you might have what it takes to be a coach? If so, please get in touch. We are always looking for more coaches.

Check out our website wroccs.org.au if you can, or ring us on 0411 806 154 – we’d love to hear from you.

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