Summer boating safety starts with you - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views


Brisbane Coast Guard has been preparing for a busy summer.

“The last part of 2021 has been windy, and boaties haven’t been able to get out as much as they’d like,” said Coast Guard skipper Christian Hager. “It’s important that when the weather is better and people head out that they’re prepared.”

Christian explained that three things were important for all mariners to think about before leaving harbour:

1. Do you have all the right safety gear? Check the MSQ website to see what flares, EPIRBs and other safety equipment must be carried. Even vessels that don’t require registration such as kayaks or small tinnies should consider safety gear.

2. Is your boat in good shape? Service your motor regularly, check that your battery is in good condition, make sure your fuel isn’t stale and all your electrics (such as starter motor, lights and radio) have been tested.

3. Are you prepared for the conditions? Always check the weather forecast for the area of the Bay you’re heading for, carry sufficient water, and add a First Aid kit to your boat.

“We’re always available on weekends to help provide advice at the Coast Guard station,” Christian advised. “You can turn in your old flares and buy replacement ones, talk to us about our on-water Marine Assist scheme, and we even sell ice!”

The new intake of volunteers at Brisbane Coast Guard have spent the last few months completing their training and are ready to help boaties over the summer. For Christian’s D Roster crew, they’ve already been putting their skills to work with a recent ‘double tow’, where two boats needed help in the same area simultaneously.

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