How meditation can help you in your daily life - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views


Anxiety is identified as the most common mental health condition in Australia (source: Beyond Blue, 2021). Everyone experiences what can be considered normal levels of anxiety, however, in some cases, it interferes with one’s ability to get on with normal daily life.

Anxiety is a build-up of worry, “what ifs”, a perceived threat, and dealing with uncertainty. When worry kicks in, a surge of adrenaline and cortisol enters the bloodstream. We experience anxiety.

Where does the worry come from? It’s thoughts that enter your mind. Your brain processes the thought and responds. Simply put, the two key areas of your brain, the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex, will participate. The prefrontal cortex, the control centre of the brain, including regulating the amygdala, will process the worry. If the worry is intense, it will take things to a fight or flight level.

Meditation is a retraining of the mind to not continually follow the thoughts that your mind presents and to calm the mind. It is a resting place for the mind. When the mind is quietened, and the prefrontal cortex is now in control, it is much easier to seek a solution to the worry.

Learn how to effectively deal with stress and anxiety and enhance your inner well-being. At Wynnum Manly Meditation Circle we teach easy, enjoyable meditations which you can apply in your daily life.

Wynnum Manly Meditation Circle
Tuesdays 6.45-7.45pm
Thursdays 7.30-8.30pm
Enquiries: [email protected]
The circle is run by donation.

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