All you need to know about the new RSV vaccines - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views


RSV or (Respiratory Syncitial Virus) is a viral illness (a bit like influenza or rhinovirus) that infects the respiratory tract (nose/throat/lungs). Symptoms include excessive coughing, fever, a runny or stuffy nose and wheezing or difficulty breathing. Most people who get RSV have a mild illness and recover in about two weeks, however, some vulnerable people, such as infants under 12 months, adults > 65 years of age or individuals with other chronic health conditions may get very sick and take much longer to recover. Many of these people might end up in hospital because of RSV, or even in ICU requiring ventilator support.

Two RSV vaccines have recently been approved for use in Australia:

  1. “Beyfortus” – this vaccine is funded under the National Immunisation Program Schedule (NIP) for children under eight months old who were born after the 1st of February. Children born in Queensland from April will be offered this vaccine at birth, but if missed can get a catch up vaccine through their GP up until eight months of age. NB: This vaccine is NOT currently available for private purchase for children > eight months old.
  2. “Arexvy” – this vaccine is NOT funded under the NIP. It is available for private purchase (~$350) and is recommended for adults only (those > 75 years old or those > 60 years old with other chronic medical conditions).

Both vaccines are a single dose vaccine and provide about one to two years of protection against RSV.

It is not very often that I would include personal anecdotes in these articles…however I feel so privileged to have been a part of two of the trials that led to the successful approval of the latest RSV vaccines. I couldn’t be more excited that we are FINALLY able to offer these vaccines in our surgery. I received an RSV vaccine (or placebo) in two of my four pregnancies. I participated in these trials in the hope that I might get the vaccine (rather than placebo) so that my unborn baby might have a fighting chance against RSV in those fragile first months of life. That is how important these vaccines are!

If you would like more information about the RSV Vaccine, please book an appointment with one of our doctors.

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