JOAN PEASE’S COMMUNITY UPDATE - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views



I am very pleased to say that that all three levels of government are working closely together to fix the Lindum Level Crossing.

We’re about to get started on the first of three phases of work at Lindum Crossing.

The first phase will be Initial safety works underway by mid-late November to improve safety for all those who use the busy crossing.  

The initial safety works will include: 

  • An extended boom gate
  • Extension of the median island on Lindum Road
  • Removal and replacement of road resurface over the level crossing
  • New on-road line marking.

Once we have completed these safety works we will come back to the community to consult on possible designs for the signalisation of the intersection. 

The Palaszczuk Government has also committed $40 million to a full accessibility upgrade of the Lindum Train Station, which will include upgrades to the Park ‘N Ride.

I look forward to keeping the community up to date on the progress at Lindum. 

For more information visit

The plans for Lindum Station:


A new ramp-monitoring system, designed to give boaties a safer launch and retrieval, is being trialled at Manly Boat Harbour.  

The Boat Ramp Behaviour Monitoring and Information System (BRBMIS) has been installed in the middle of the two lanes near the floating walkway abutment at the harbour’s northern boat ramp. 

Real-time activity, local weather and safety information will be collected by the system and used to inform boaties about conditions over the 12 month trial.

The equipment is powered by renewable energy, including solar panels and a wind generator, and has carbon neutral benefits. 

As one of the largest boat harbours in the southern hemisphere, Manly is best placed to try out this innovative technology.

All vision and data will be available for analysis by Maritime Safety Queensland, to better understand the harbour’s use and improve safety compliance.

The BRBMIS trial is funded by Maritime Safety Queensland.


Congratulations to the winners of my ‘Go Local Lotto’ draws! We received a lot of entries into the $100 gift voucher draw and it’s great to see so many locals out there supporting our Bayside businesses.

Locals like Leisa, whose gift purchases from Wynnum Central Pharmacy resulted in her winning our second draw.

Wynnum Central Pharmacy has been servicing the Bayside community for over 24 years. The owner, Mr David Hui, thanked Baysiders for their support. 

“Thank you Baysiders for shopping locally. With your support I can continue to proudly serve our wonderful local community.” 

While our September promotion has been a success, it doesn’t stop here. I’d like to remind Baysiders that every day is a good day to Go Local to Grow Local.

PO Box 719, Wynnum QLD 4178
(07) 3915 1100
[email protected]

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