Federal Budget to be delivered on May 11 - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views

The 2021-22 Federal Budget will be handed down by Treasurer Josh Frydenberg on May 11 and the Prime Minister has indicated it will focus on building on our National Economic Recovery Plan.

As the Prime Minister said in an address to the Business Council of Australia recently:

“We have a long way still to go to deliver the jobs, to guarantee the services that Australians rely on and keep Australians safe, both now and into the future. And our economic recovery plan, the second phase of that which will be in the Treasurer’s Budget, is geared to keeping our economy on that right track. To protect and preserve those lives and livelihoods, but also to build a strong and durable recovery for the future. Not one that depends on the taxpayers’ continued subsidy, but one that is based on a robust, vibrant, business-led economy that can stand on its own two feet. Stage Two of our National Economic Recovery Plan will be in that Budget in a few weeks’ time, and it builds on the strong foundations laid in last year’s October Budget.”

If you would like to keep up to date with the Budget announcement and stay informed
on how this will affect you and the Bonner electorate, sign up to my e-news at

69 Clara Street, Wynnum QLD 4178
Telephone: 07 3893 3488
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Ross Vasta MP Federal Member for Bonner

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