The Bonner update - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views
Bonner Seniors’ Expo 2022

The Bonner Seniors’ Expo is fast approaching! I am working hard to make sure this event is the best one yet. There will be lucky door prizes, guest speakers from key industry areas, bags, and so much more. This event is free for all seniors, so please come along and engage with businesses and the wider community. There is certainly something for everyone at this Expo, so I look forward to seeing you there.

Time: 9 am-12pm
Date: 21st of October
Location: Waterloo Bay Leisure Centre.

New Fodder Farm in Bonner! 

Iona College has partnered with the Queensland Koala Society to establish a new fodder farm in Bonner! Over 500 trees will be planted at Iona College for the sustainable harvest of eucalyptus leaves to help feed koalas during their rehabilitation. This partnership was made possible through the Australian Government’s Planting Trees for the Platinum Jubilee grant program.  Whilst it is devastating that Her Majesty the Queen has passed away since the grant was awarded to Iona College, this new fodder farm is the perfect way to pay tribute to her passion for the protection of wildlife. Congratulations to Fr Michael and College Principal, Mr Goodwin, as well as Angela and Leann from the QLD Koala society for this incredible vision into a sustainable future for koalas.

Thank you, Your Majesty

In many ways, the world is still in shock over the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. A dutiful and strong leader, The Queen devoted her life to service, to the Commonwealth, and to the Australian people. During her reign, Her Majesty visited Australia 16 times and saw more of this incredible country than most Australians. Her wisdom, grace, knowledge, and compassion were an inspiration to us all. Over 4 billion worldwide watched Her Majesty’s funeral, a testament to her legacy and dedication to public service. Rest In Peace, Your Majesty. Thank you for everything. 

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