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Aussie Aussie Aussie, Happy Australian National Flag Day!

In September we celebrated Australian National Flag Day…

Did you know 32,823 people entered a design for the Australian flag? It’s no wonder the judges spent six days deciding on a winner.

One of my favourite parts of being a parliamentarian is being able to present community groups with Australian, Indigenous and Torres Straight Island flags which they can fly proudly. Thank you to Chad Gardiner for joining me at the Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron to present the dedicated team with a new Australian Flag.

Each element of our National Flags represents an important part of our national identity. Although our country has changed and evolved since this time, the same values of freedom, democracy and sovereignty ring true today. The Australian flag is a powerful symbol and reminder that we live in the best country on earth!

Also a fun fact… the largest (and heaviest) Australian Flag is flown on top of Parliament House in Canberra… it’s almost thirteen metres wide and weighs 22 kilograms!

Australia’s Biggest Child Safety Lesson

One of the most important responsibilities I have as a father, and member of Parliament, is to ensure the next generation grows up knowing they are safe, valued and supported. As a dad, there is nothing more terrifying than the thought of something happening to one of my boys.

For Bruce and Denise Morcombe, this fear became reality when their 13-year-old son Daniel was abducted and murdered. Following this unthinkable day, Bruce and Denise saw an opportunity to make a difference. Together, they started the Daniel Morcombe Foundation to educate other children on how to stay safe. One of the ways the Daniel Morcombe Foundation has helped keep kids safe is through the ‘Australia’s Biggest Child Safety Lesson’ initiative.

This year’s lesson was live-streamed across Australia, from Manly State School. It was all about the importance of enthusiastic and affirmative consent. By teaching our young ones the skills needed to recognise, react and report unsafe situations, the Daniel Morcombe Foundation has not only become a powerful symbol of hope, but undoubtedly saved lives. While nothing will bring Daniel back, Bruce and Denise have courageously turned a tragedy into a powerful platform to raise awareness and bring change.

Roving Ross…

Hearing directly from locals is the best way for me to represent our community’s needs in Canberra, especially through mobile offices. From local shopping centres to small businesses, chatting with locals across Bonner is incredibly important.

At my most recent mobile office, where I was joined by my boys and Chad Gardiner, we heard from locals on many issues, particularly crime and the cost of living. Our community deserves to feel safe and secure in our homes and communities. It has been disappointing to see a lack of action and plan from the current government to tackle the Youth Crime Crisis.

I am also deeply concerned by the rising costs of basic goods and services, and the increased pressure this is putting on volunteers. While our local charities and community organisations are going above and beyond to provide support, it is sad to see they are receiving little in return. Disappointingly, Labor has left charities to support Australians through its own cost of living crisis, and National Accounts figures reveal the slowest GDP growth since the 1990s, outside the pandemic. Queenslanders, and Australians alike, are ready for change and deserve leadership that will support local organisations, families and businesses.

Thank you to everyone who has stopped by my recent mobile offices; stay tuned to my social media and email updates for the next one!

69 Clara Street, Wynnum QLD 4178
Telephone: 07 3893 3488
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: RossVastaMP
Instagram: rossvastamp

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