Joan Pease’s community update - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views


Strengthening Community Safety

I see the impact youth crime is having on our community, so I am pleased to announce to Baysiders that new, tougher action is being taken by the Queensland Government to further protect the safety of our Bayside community, whilst tackling the complex causes of youth crime.

Action will be taken in the following three key areas:

  1. Targeting serious repeat youth offenders;
  2. Tackling the complex causes of youth crime; and
  3. Investing in community safety.

The tough new laws and increased investment follows careful consideration by the Queensland Government, are based in evidence and follow feedback from the community, police and other stakeholders.

It will now be harder for serious repeat offenders to get bail and there will be even more investment in addressing the complex causes of youth crime.

A new investment of $332 million will also help boost police resources, tackle the complex causes of youth crime and support community safety.

In addition, there will be a significant funding boost for the Queensland Police Service including a new $25 million injection for high visibility police patrols and $17 million for expanded joint flying squads.

Everyone on our Bayside deserves to feel safe, and I am confident these tough new measures will ensure that youth crime is tackled head-on.

Enrolments Now OPEN for 37,000 Fee-Free TAFE Places 

A skilled workforce is vital for the future of our Bayside, and the State, which is why I am delighted that the Queensland Government’s fee-free TAFE initiative will see 37,000 fee-free TAFE places offered this year for qualifications in health and community services to support the NDIS and aged care sectors, agriculture, tourism and hospitality.

This targeted investment will help address a national skills shortage challenge, by ensuring Lytton locals have the right skills, more job security and more job choices. It’s a win-win for our locals, our Bayside businesses and our Lytton industries.

Upgraded Lindum Park n Ride Now Open! 

The Sibley Road Lindum Station Park n Ride upgrade is now open and being well used!

I was thrilled to recently open the brand new car park, which boasts 30 additional spaces for commuters driving to and from Lindum station.

It’s secure, convenient parking that will keep more commuter cars out of neighboring residential streets.

The expanded Park n Ride facility on Sibley Road is part of a suite of works and improvements that are being made to increase the safety and accessibility of the Lindum Precinct. This will include a further Park n Ride expansion on North Road; a Station Accessibility Upgrade; and a realignment of the Lindum Level Crossing.

Key benefits of the upgraded carpark include:

  • Increased commuter parking spaces.
  • Upgraded disabled parking facilities.
  • Improved accessibility for all users.
  • Improve passenger amenities, experience, and security through CCTV and lighting.
  • Decreased road congestion on the surrounding road network.

I’m delighted to be getting on with the job of delivering these important infrastructure upgrades for the Bayside.

Reforms to Improve Community Title Schemes  

It’s no secret that the Bayside is home to an ever-growing community of residents living in self-contained units under community title schemes, so I am delighted to announce that the Queensland Government is proposing changes to existing body corporate legislation to improve the liveability and transformability of community title complexes.

The highlights of these reforms include the strengthening of laws to better protect residents from second hand smoke by empowering bodies corporate to make by-laws that prohibit smoking in outdoor and communal areas of a community titles scheme; the addition of new laws to protect pet owners by preventing bodies corporate from banning pets in community titles schemes, except in specific circumstances; and the addition of further laws allowing bodies corporate to tow vehicles which are preventing access or causing a hazard.

Additionally, important legislative reforms will occur to make it easier to sell and redevelop ageing or rundown community titles schemes in Queensland, by allowing for the termination of a scheme with the support of 75 per cent of lot owners, where the body corporate has agreed it is more financially viable for lot owners to terminate rather than maintain or remediate the scheme.

These much needed reforms will not only protect the investments of property owners in community title schemes, but ensure they remain viable and enjoyable places to live for years to come.

Welcome 2023 Bayside School Captains  

With the school term now in full swing across our Bayside, I would like to warmly congratulate all our school captains for 2023. Being a leader in your community is an immense privilege – it’s a journey of a lifetime which will allow you to not only grow as an individual, but to grow, improve and inspire those who look up to you.

I wish you all the best for the year ahead and look forward to meeting many of you as the year progresses!

PO Box 719, Wynnum QLD 4178
(07) 3915 1100
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