Joan Pease’s Community Update - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views
Budget Benefits for Baysiders

The Queensland Government’s 2023–2024 State Budget is investing in the things that matter to Baysiders — tackling the cost of living, delivering better services and investing in our local community.

Baysiders will be delighted to see real cost of living relief helping to ease the pressure. Included in this year’s budget is a $550 electricity rebate for every Queensland household, which is increased to $1072 if you are a concession card holder. There’s funding for free kindy for Queensland children who turn 4 in the year they attend kindy. This will deliver up to $4600 in savings for Bayside families. In addition, there is up to $150 available for eligible children aged up to four years to learn to swim; and over 300,000 SwimStart Vouchers will be available across Queensland.

Our local schools are receiving significant funding to make them even more inclusive, vibrant learning environments for young Baysiders. Darling Point Special School and Manly State School are each receiving $13 million and $9 million respectively to build brand new learning spaces, while Wynnum State High school is receiving $1.5 million to undertake important classroom refurbishments.

Bayside infrastructure continues to be a priority, with $23 million delivered to continue the Lindum Station Precinct Upgrade. This includes $15 million for a full station accessibility upgrade, and $8 million to further the Lindum level crossing upgrade and signalisation project. There has also been $200,000 committed to deliver a feasibility study on building the vital missing Moreton Bay Cycleway connection between Pritchard St and the Gateway Motorway.

Last, but certainly not least, our local community sporting groups will be sharing in over $215,000 in funding. This includes $118,000 for the Wynnum Golf Club to upgrade their path network, and $97,000
for Wynnum Tennis Association to upgrade the court surfaces.

This truly is a budget that Baysiders can be proud of. I am delighted
to have worked tirelessly to deliver these important funding outcomes for Lytton and will continue to stand up for the Bayside.

If you have any questions about anything contained in the 2023-2024 State Budget, please contact my office for more information and my staff and I will be happy to assist you.

UPDATE: Airservices Australia Noise Action PlaN

Airservices Australia has provided me with the latest updates on the progress in addressing the impact of aircraft noise operations.

I have been advised that after the June/July school holidays, AirServices Australia will present the second round of design options that have been developed in response to community consultation that has been received this year.

I am advised that the new design options will focus primarily on increasing operations over water, notably Simultaneous Opposite Direction Parallel Runway Operations (SODPROPS).

AirServices Australia have advised that they will also share at this time:

  • Outcomes of phase one engagement – including next steps and implementation timeframes
  • Final Communications Approach – including how feedback has shaped this approach
  • Options to reduce the impact of legacy runway over land operations to the north between 10pm and 6am – based on the feedback we received during round one discussions
  • Increased reporting on operations – initial reporting of SODPROPS, Noise Abatement Procedures and other operations – based on feedback we received during round one discussions and during the Post Implementation Review.

After these design options are released, AirServices Australia will hold a second round of community consultations, with the specific dates and locations for these sessions published a minimum of two weeks ahead.

I will keep Baysiders updated on developments regarding the Noise Action Plan.

New Boat for Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service

I was very excited to welcome the arrival of a brand new boat at the QPWS Coastal Islands Manly Base recently.

Alongside the Hon Leanne Linard MP, I had the pleasure of inspecting this incredible addition to their fleet

Named ‘Tabilbahn,’ meaning ‘salt water’ in the local Quandamooka language, this boat is set to support the outstanding work of QPWS rangers in our beloved Moreton Bay Marine Park and serve the needs of our Bayside boaties.

I want to express my appreciation to all the QPWS rangers for their dedication and tireless efforts in safeguarding our marine environment and keeping it clean. Your commitment is truly commendable.

I have no doubt that the ‘Tabilbahn’ will be warmly welcomed and put to excellent use in fulfilling its important role. It’s a testament to our ongoing commitment to preserving and protecting our precious natural resources.

REMINDER: St Pete’s Pantry Winter Food Drive

St Pete’s Pantry, a local not-for-profit dedicated to supporting vulnerable Baysiders facing food insecurity, has kicked off its Winter Food Drive to provide crucial assistance during the cold winter months.

To ensure the success of this initiative, I am collecting donations for the pantry, specifically focusing on cereal. Cereal is in high demand at the pantry, making it an essential item for those in need. I would ask Baysiders to consider contributing by dropping off boxes of cereal at my office, located at 100 Edith Street, Wynnum, Monday-Friday between 8am and 4pm.

St Pete’s Pantry has long been recognised in our Bayside for its tireless efforts in assisting vulnerable individuals and families, ensuring they have access to nutritious food throughout the year.

By supporting the Winter Food Drive, community members can make a tangible difference in the lives of those experiencing food insecurity within Lytton.

Upcoming Bayside Events

I have several upcoming events this month that I am delighted to invite Baysiders to Attend.

On Tuesday, 25 July 2023 at 6pm, I will be hosting my annual Bayside Grants Forum at the Wynnum Manly Leagues Club. Held in conjunction with Cr Sara Whitmee for Wynnum Manly Ward, this is a fantastic opportunity for Bayside community groups and charities to network with other like-minded individuals and gain valuable insights from Government and industry presenters. Whether you’re a seasoned grant writer or just starting out, this event is perfect for you!

On Thursday, 27 July 2023 at 6pm, I am excited to announce that Queensland Police will be hosting their ‘Prevention Together Workshop’ at the Wynnum Manly Leagues Club. This event will be an engaging workshop where Queensland Police will explore crime prevention, plus Baysiders will learn about expert tips to protect their homes and assets.

For more information and to register, please visit the ‘Events’ section of my Facebook page.

PO Box 719, Wynnum QLD 4178
(07) 3915 1100
[email protected]

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