Joan Pease’s community update, State Member for Lytton - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views


Bayside Community Legal Service is a fantastic resource for our local community. Since opening their doors to Baysiders in 1992, Bayside Community Legal Service has been providing free legal services, help and education to people in the Bayside community who are socially, economically and/ or physically disadvantaged or otherwise vulnerable.

If you’re in need of some legal advice, why not pop by their office at Wynnum Community Centre Floor 1, 105 Florence St, Wynnum. Their opening hours are 8:30am – 4:30pm, Monday to Thursday.

On Anzac Day each year we remember all Australians who served and died in all wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations. 25 April marks the anniversary of the first major military action fought by Australian and New Zealand forces during the First World War.

On the Bayside, Anzac Day commemorations at Manly Lota RSL, Wynnum RSL and Bayside National Servicemen’s Association took place in a respectful and COVIDSafe way.

It was a time of reflection and commemoration and an opportunity to come together as a community to acknowledge the sacrifice of servicemen and women.

Each May, Queensland marks Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month to raise community awareness of domestic and family violence and to send a clear message that any kind of violence in families and homes will not be tolerated.

Locally, we gather at 5.30pm on May 6 for the Bayside Candle Light Vigil at Pandanas Beach to take a united stance against domestic violence.

In May we celebrate Queensland Small Business Month 2021 (QSBM 2021) which celebrates local small businesses that make such a vital contribution to our state’s economy and play an important role in the Bayside.

This year, QSBM will be better than ever. With activities and events across the state, delivering a range of opportunities for small business owners to network, connect and learn new skills that will help them succeed now and into the future.

QSBM 2021 aims to give small business owners the opportunity to learn and acquire new ideas, skills and tools to take their businesses to the next level by either participating in or hosting an activity during the month of May. More information is available at:

As part of the QSBM I am relaunching my “Bayside Business of the Month” award!
One local small business will be recognised each month and promoted via my social media, featured in my monthly community newsletter, and acknowledged in my community window.

I am calling for nominations from locals for local businesses that you think deserve to be recognised. You may have experienced exceptional customer service or purchased a fabulous product or seen something amazing at a local store.

So why not nominate your favourite local business? Please send me an email and provide details in no more than 100 words why you think this business should be the “Bayside Business of the Month.”

We know that sport can transform lives by inspiring kids to be the best they can be. As part of the Olympics Unleashed program, I encourage Bayside primary schools to host an Olympian to share their amazing stories with students.

With the Tokyo Olympics just around the corner, this is an exciting opportunity for Bayside kids to meet our Aussie Olympic Heroes. Athletes have been visiting schools across Queensland and inspiring students with their stories of perseverance and dedication.

Schools can learn more and register their interest on the Australian Olympic Committee’s Olympics Unleashed webpage:

The Queensland Police Service in partnership with the Department of Transport and Main Roads, recently launched its Easter Road Safety Campaign. This important campaign will run until the end of May. The key message of this year’s campaign is: We want to stop you, before speeding does. Expect police anywhere, anytime.

The travel bubble with New Zealand has commenced and we know our Kiwi mates need a Queensland holiday. So tell your New Zealand friends that the Bayside is Good to Go! We already know how fabulous the Bayside is, let’s share this with our Kiwi friends!

I know that we Baysiders love our animal friends, and that’s why I’m inviting you to have your say as the Palaszczuk Government initiates a major review of our animal welfare laws to ensure Queensland laws keep pace with community expectations. This review will examine all aspects of the Animal Care and Protection Act 2001 to ensure that the Act continues to meet changing community expectations and modern animal welfare practices.

I encourage anyone who has an interest in the care of animals to have a say as part of the review – whether you have pets, produce livestock for a living, or work with animals. To have your say before the 21 May 2021 you can visit the and search for ‘ACPA review’ to complete the survey. Alternatively, you can contact my office if you would like to submit a written response.

PO Box 719, Wynnum QLD 4178
(07) 3915 1100
[email protected]

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