Joan Pease’s community update, State Member for Lytton - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views


May is the month that we unite against domestic and family violence, and together we Baysiders have made it clear that enough is enough. Over 200 people joined me on the 6th of May for a moving Domestic Violence Vigil at Pandanus Beach.

This is our third year holding the candlelight vigil and it has been truly heart-warming to see the event grow in numbers every year. Coordinating the vigil is a collaborative effort, with many of our local organisations and people playing a part including the Rotary Club of Wynnum Manly, Winnam Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation, Scope Club of Wynnum, BABI Youth and Family Service, Wynnum Police, Councillor Peter Cumming and Bayside East Zonta Club.

We heard from Zoe Sullivan and Jo Jackson, both domestic violence survivors. The vigil was attended by people from many different walks of life, both young and old, united in support of all those who have experienced the devastating effects of domestic violence.


Small business is the backbone of our economy. It’s often where we find our first job, and it’s always the first to support local events and pitch in to help our community. Small businesses invest in our economy each and every day, employing around 1 million Queenslanders. Small business represents over 97% of businesses state-wide and they employ around 44% of all private sector workers.

The Palaszczuk Government has just released the Business Growth Fund Grants which are the first in a package of $25m of new grants. This package includes the Business Growth Fund, which is open now, the Business Basics and the Business Boost, which will open later in the year. What this means for the more than 6,500 small businesses in the Bayside is that we value you and we support you and that we will work with you to ensure that you can do what you do so well, and continue making your valuable contribution to the Bayside.

I love supporting our local small businesses and that’s why I’ve reintroduced the Bayside Business of the Month award. This month I hosted a small business event at the Waterloo Bay Hotel, which saw the launch of Wynnum Commerce Inc. Wynnum Commerce Inc are ramping up support, growth and promotion of our local businesses. With laneway events, brewery and homeware trails, it is all happening in the Bayside! I am delighted with the efforts of Wynnum UpLate, and I’m excited to welcome brand new small businesses to our local area.

The Wynnum Manly Leagues Club (WMLC) deserves a special mention for the opening of their refurbished club. WMLC are also great supporters of our local community, making significant investments in our clubs and schools.

The Palaszczuk Government recognises that the thriving artisan liquor industry is supporting thousands of jobs across our state. That’s why we have introduced a special new license to support the industry and enable the artisan liquor business to flourish. We are lucky to have one of these businesses in our local area – Hudsons Brewery on Gibbs St. If you haven’t been there yet, I strongly recommend stopping by!

The new Artisan Liquor license is now live for applications. We have already seen 13 brand new producers and 34 existing businesses apply for the license. Benefits of the new licence include: no limit to how much of their own product can be sold on their premises; an option to showcase and sell samples of their product at promotional events such as farmer’s markets; and the ability to sell their product as takeaway, including online.

Sadly, the indomitable Miss Handley OAM has passed away. Miss Handley was a much-loved local pioneer and educator of young women in the Bayside. She was an innovative trailblazer, enriching young girls’ worlds by introducing them to ideas and ideals, and exposing them to cultural pursuits. Miss Handley was proud to be part of the flourishing Moreton Bay College community and she will be missed by many. Vale Miss Handley, and thank you for your contribution to education.

National Reconciliation Week is celebrated from 27 May – 3 June each year, celebrating and building on respectful relationships shared by Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous people. The Queensland Government is working on a number of initiatives as an act of reconciliation through grants, awards and the Queensland Government Reconciliation Action Plan which outlines policy development and the delivery of programs and services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders.

I want to acknowledge the great work of our wonderful nurses and midwives in our community and thank them for their valuable contribution to taking care of Queenslanders and Australia during COVID.

PO Box 719, Wynnum QLD 4178
(07) 3915 1100
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