JOAN PEASE’S COMMUNITY UPDATE - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views


Bayside Business of the Month
I was delighted to award Damien Lugg and The Community Leader the Bayside Business of the Month for July. Damien and Kirsten have recently celebrated The Community Leader’s 1st anniversary. What a fabulous year it’s been – connecting our community. Thanks for your efforts and congratulations on Bayside Business of the Month.

Boomerang Bag Sales to Benefit Local Groups
Wynnum Manly Boomerang Bags is a wonderful community enterprise which began as a group of local ecowarriors sewing cloth bags in an endeavour to reduce landfill. Baysiders have been madly purchasing their beautifully made bags from Clara Street Day and Night Pharmacy. Sales have been so successful, the group has surplus funds, which they are proudly giving back to the community in the form of 3x $500 grants. The lucky recipients include Bayside BMX, who received a grant to complete some minor landscaping around their clubhouse, Tingalpa State School who will set up a compost and worm farm system at their school, and Bayside Creeks Catchment Group who will use the money to help with administration and marketing costs. Congratulations Wynnum Manly Boomerang Bags for your success and dedication to our environment and our community. Baysiders, keep showing your support and keep buying those bags!

Farewell Mrs Hadfield
At the end of last term, Wynnum State School bid farewell to their inaugural Principal, the incredible Mrs Glenyce Hadfield. Glenyce is an amazing educator who has contributed so much to our community and touched the lives of countless children during her many decades in education.

Glenyce led the amalgamation of our local schools during the State Schools of Tomorrow Project, a daunting and complex task involving a $150m state government investment. Glenyce rose to the challenge of creating and enacting a vision for Wynnum State School and ensured the students and families of Wynnum gained the excellent school they deserved.

Since the doors opened to students in 2012, Glenyce has led Wynnum State School to enjoy many successes, including gaining accreditation as an internationally recognised ‘Habits of Mind’ School and achieving the status of an ‘Australasian Schools Accreditation Agency’ school, in acknowledgment of school performance. In 2001, Glenyce received an Australia Day medal for her service to education.

Glenyce also served as Principal of Wynnum North State School during the early 2000’s, and together with her husband Peter, also an educator, has worked in many school communities across the state including Wondai, Mannuem Creek, Monto, Moonford, Bluff, Blackwater, Ipswich, Dinmore, Palm Island and Wellington Point.

Thank you Glenyce for the wonderful, lasting legacy you’ve created in the Bayside and I hope your retirement is the fabulous new adventure you deserve.

Sports Infrastructure Funding
We know local sporting clubs have been doing it tough during the pandemic, and that’s why the Palaszczuk Government has created the new $9m Active Gameday Projects fund as part of our Covid-19 Economic Recovery Plan. Funding of up to $150,000 will be available for eligible sport and recreation projects where the club is able chip in 20 per cent of their project’s cost.

Examples of eligible projects include developing or upgrading playing surfaces and installing or upgrading irrigation and field lighting. The Active Gameday Projects fund will help our local clubs get back on their feet, freshen up their facilities for existing members, and encourage new sign ups. Applications open in September. Further information is available at:

2021 Grants Forum
Together with Councillor Peter Cumming I will be hosting our annual Community Grants Forum at 6pm, Thursday, 26 August, at the Wynnum RSL. Speakers on the night include representatives from Sport and Recreation Queensland, the Gambling Community Benefit Fund, Wynnum Manly Leagues Club, Port of Brisbane, Transurban and Brisbane Airport, and Councillor Cumming who will present about Brisbane City Council Opportunities.

I want to make sure Baysiders can take advantage of the range of government funds available to all groups including sporting, community, not-for-profit organisations and private organisations. So come and hear about available grants and gain valuable tips on how to make the most of your application. Please RSVP your attendance to [email protected] – 3915 1100 or [email protected] – 3403 2180.

PO Box 719, Wynnum QLD 4178
(07) 3915 1100
[email protected]

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