Maggie’s Mates - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views
Maggies Mates

Name: Archie.
Suburb: Capalaba.
How long have you lived here? Three years.
Your favourite local walk? I love the dog park, and Parkrun Capalaba.
Your most treasured toy? A doggy rubber tyre.
Your favourite food? Any food the baby drops on the floor. I’m a good vacuum!
What’s your favourite local hangout? Preferably on someone’s lap.
Your worst habit? I like to bark at anything I see or hear outside (people, birds, other dogs on way to park,
meter and mail person).
Your best doggo friend? Ollie.
Any funny or embarrassing stories you’d like to share? I like to play hide and seek, doing laps around the house.
What do people love most about you? I’m great company.

Name: Ollie.
Suburb:  Capalaba.
How long have you lived here? I’ve lived here for three months.
Your favourite local walk? In the backyard, as I have not had all my needles yet.
Your most treasured toy? Anything I can chew!
Your favourite food? I eat anything at an amazing speed. My Mummy says I “inhale” my food.
Your worst habit?  I don’t have any bad habits!
What’s your favourite local hangout? On anyone’s lap.
Your best doggo friend? Archie.
Any funny or embarrassing stories you’d like to share? I love wrestling with Archie.
What do people love most about you?  I am small, cute and I’m an extremely good looking miniature dachshund like Archie.                                           

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