Miss Maggie of Manly

Name: Muppet Strauss. Suburb: Wynnum/Manly. How long have you lived … Continued
Name: I’m Louie the liver (liver is my official flat-coated … Continued
Name: Tigger Whitmee. Suburb: I’m from Tingalpa. How long have … Continued
Name: Oscar (aka Oscar the Grouch). Suburb: I’m from Manly. … Continued
Name: Murphy Balfe (Murphman, Murphinator, Captain Radical Banana). Suburb: I … Continued
Name: Hi, I’m Teddy (Bear). Suburb: Cleveland. How long have … Continued
Name: Charlie Bear. Suburb: I’m from Manly West. How long have … Continued
Name: My name is Wicket Hill.Suburb: I’m from Capalaba.How long … Continued
Name: Archie. Suburb: Capalaba. How long have you lived here? … Continued
Name: Sadie Draycott. Suburb: Capalaba. How long have you lived … Continued
Name: Trixie. Suburb: Belmont. How long have you lived here? … Continued
Name: Ziggy. Suburb: Gumdale. How long have you lived here? … Continued
Name: Hugo. Suburb: Wakerley. How long have you lived there? … Continued
Name: Paisley. Suburb: Wakerley. How long have you lived there? … Continued