Maggie’s Mates - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views
Maggies Mates

 Name: I’m Louie the liver (liver is my official flat-coated retriever colour).

Suburb: I am from Lota.

How long have you lived at Lota? For two-and-a-half months.

What’s your favourite local walk? The waterfront between Lota and Manly as
I see lots of humans who think I’m cute!

What is your most treasured toy? All toys are great. I haven’t picked my favourite yet.

What’s your worst habit? I don’t want to say, but I’m only a pup, and I’m still working on my bad habits!

What is your favourite local hangout? Lota Dog Park.

Who is your best doggo friend? My big brother Flynn, and also Murphy the golden retriever at the dog park. They like to play with me.

Any funny or embarrassing stories you’d like to share? I was lying on the seat at the dog park when I rolled over and fell off in front of all the humans. They all laughed at me!

What do people love most about you? I’m cute.

Name: Hi. My name is Flynn.

Suburb: Lota.

How long have you lived at Lota? For five years.

What is your favourite local walk? The bush walks in the area off Chelsea Road.

What is your most treasured toy? My ball. I like to carry it around and play fetch with it at the dog park.

What is your worst habit? Begging for treats (it’s a labrador ‘thing’) when my human dad stops to talk to other humans.

What is your favourite local hangout? Lota Dog Park.

Who is your best doggo friend? My little brother Louie.

Any funny or embarrassing stories you’d like to share? I got into a bag of dog food that the courier left on the lawn and I ate lots of it. My human dad took me to the dog park to play and I couldn’t run because I had so much food in my stomach.

What do people love most about you? I’m handsome and friendly.

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