Maggie’s Mates - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views
Maggies Mates

Name: Pipi.
Suburb: Manly.
How long have you lived here? All my life –  I am 12!
Your favourite local walk?  To the Manly waterfront and back.
Your most treasured toy? Monkey.
Your favourite food? Scone crumbs at Cooper’s Café, Manly.
Your worst habit? I get very excited when visitors come, and I run “mad poodle” laps around the house and bark.
Your favourite local hangout? Manly Sunday markets where I get lots of pats.
Your best doggo friend? Inky, my poodle puppy friend from down the road.
Any funny or embarrassing stories you’d like to share?  I pinch socks from inside the front loader and hide them under my bed.
What do people love most about you? I’m a tiny 2kg, and very cute,
and everyone wants to pat and cuddle me.

Name: Billy.
Suburb: Manly West.
How long have you lived here? Four years.
Your favourite local walk? I love all the streets around my neighbourhood, especially doing the whole block, past Bunnings and back again.
Your most treasured toy? My stuffed toy pineapple with the crackly, leafy, soft top.
Your favourite food? BBQ chicken cut into tiny pieces.
Your worst habit? Stealing interesting belongings out of handbags when my owner’s clients are not looking!
Your favourite local hangout? Manly Kitchen on Sunday mornings.
Your best doggo friend? A beagle called Micke who lives nearby.
Any funny or embarrassing stories you’d like to share? Whenever I smell something gross on the ground I drop and roll in it. I also like to watch TV.
I am very good at protecting my owners from the animals on the screen…I even bark at cartoon animals!
What do people love most about you? I am very soft and touchable so everyone wants to cuddle me. 


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