Maggie’s Mates - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views
Maggies Mates

Name: My name is Stewart Little, or Stewie for short!
Suburb: I’m from Capalaba.
How long have you lived here? For two months.
Your favourite local walk? Our little park close to my house.
Your most treasured toy? My chewy bone that smells like chicken. Yum!
What’s your favourite food? I do love frozen peas.
Your worst habit? Eating unmentionable things.
Your favourite local hangout? The cul-de-sac where my house is.
Who’s your best doggo friend? Sadie the black labrador from next door.
Do you have any funny or embarrassing stories you’d like to share? I have a habit of chasing my tail!
What do people like most about you? People seem to love it when I run super-fast all over the place.

Name: Hi, my name is Louie.
Suburb: I live in Lota.
How long have you lived here? For 13 months.
Your favourite local walk? Everywhere there are things to sniff, e.g. other puppies, poles, bushes, but especially where there is lots of fresh grass.
Your most treasured toy? All of Ollie’s (my big brother) toys. I’ve killed all of his, especially the squeaky ones.
What’s your favourite food? Liver treats!
Your worst habit? I express my emotions with my teeth, so I nip when I’m excited!
Your favourite local hangout? I love a trip to Lota dog park.
Who’s your best doggo friend? Alfie the ‘shnoodle’ – he’s exactly like me, except he’s a bit bigger.
Do you have any funny or embarrassing stories you’d like to share? I’ve chewed two pairs of my Mum’s glasses. I’m brave but scared of the cat…she’s evil, whereas I’m loveable!
What do people like most about you? My playfulness and that I love to snuggle.

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