Maggie’s Mates - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views
Maggies Mates

Name: My name is Wicket Hill.
Suburb: I’m from Capalaba.
How long have you lived here? About eight years.
Your favourite local walk? I love to walk anywhere, really! Any time I hear the word “walkies”, I’m good to go.
Your most treasured toy? My Christmas santa stuffed toy.
What’s your favourite food? It has to be chicken and gravy.
Your worst habit? Running along the fence and barking at anyone and everyone. Oops.
Your favourite local hangout? At my next-door neighbours’ house.
Who’s your best doggo friend? Coco Parzybok.
Do you have any funny or embarrassing stories you’d like to share? When I was young I used to scale the fence to chase the neighbour’s chickens, but I’m much better behaved now. Sorry!
What do people like most about you? I’m very cute and cuddly and I’m a real snuggle bug.

Name: My name is Mischelton the Cat.
How old are you? I’m almost 17-years-old.
Suburb: I’m from Manly.
How long have you lived there? Four years.
Your favourite local walk? I just keep to my house!
Your most treasured item? My black sheepskin blanket.
What’s your favourite food? Temptations treats – can’t live without them.
What’s your worst habit? Scratching the leather lounge.
Your favourite local hangout? On the front porch watching people and birds.
Who’s your best doggo or cat friend? Ginger cat, who visits at night, and Simba the Spoodle, who’s now in heaven.
Do you have any interesting stories you’d like to share about yourself? I used to live in a drain at Redlands College. I would scratch anyone who tried to rescue me. However, when Nicky (my Mum) picked me up, I knew I would have a good life.
What do people like most about you? I have an arrogance about me that people like; I’ve managed to allow Greg (my Dad) to let me sit on his lap every night.

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