Maggie’s Mates - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views
Maggies Mates

Name: Hi, my name is Ruby.

Where do you live? I’m from Cleveland.

How long have you lived at Cleveland? Sixteen of my 17.5 years.

What’s your favourite local walk? Down to the Cleveland Showgrounds to sniff out lost tennis balls from the tennis courts! Now I am in my more ‘twilight’ years, I get a ride in my doggie stroller for a good sniff at the Gold Coast beach markets or out for breakfast with the family.

Your most treasured toy? A tennis ball or a thong. I was obsessively competitive about playing ‘fetch it’. I did have a few cocker spaniel stuffed toys over the years that I used to disembowel furiously.

Your favourite food? Cheese and shark cartilage. These days I am on a special diet that Mum cooks up each week in batches and it’s yummy! It’s pretty much all human-grade meat and veggies with lots of supplements mixed in.

What’s your worst habit? I have a few newly acquired bad habits, associated with my kidney problems, but nobody seems to mind as I am sooo well loved!

Your favourite local hangout? Swims at Cleveland Point. In my younger years I used to enjoy diving off the boat ramp wall at high tide retrieving thongs from the water with my big brother Schroeder! You should see the photos! I was pretty good!

Your best doggo friend? My big brother Schroeder, who I will meet again over the rainbow and continue with our doggo adventures, I am sure!

Do you have any funny or embarrassing stories? Not sure why but Mum and Dad always used to laugh at me when I sometimes boot scooted across the grass after my ablutions were complete….a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do!

What do people love most about you? My eyes! Whilst I have always been a happy doggo, Mum says I look like I could star as a doggo actor in an RSPCA ad for sad, abandoned puppies, because of my sad, droopy eyes!

What’s your name? My name is Thunder!

Where do you live? I live in Redland Bay.

How long have you lived there? For 17 years.

What’s your favourite local walk? Bayview Reserve.

Your most treasured thing to do? Swim in the dam.

Your favourite food? Carrots.

What’s your worst habit? Sometimes I mistake fingers for carrots!

Your favourite local hangout? In my shelter at the dam.

Your best friend? Skittles the pony.

Do you have any funny or embarrassing stories? I am 44 years old – possibly the oldest horse in south east Queensland, and I have gone a bit grey now after years of being known as ‘Black Beauty’. I still get excited when the rest of the herd play and I do my best to canter and buck with them.

What do people love most about you? I am a wise old boy, gentle and majestic. I have a baritone neigh that I use to connect with anyone who comes to see me. I am very cuddly.

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