Maggie’s Mates - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views
Maggies Mates

Name: Hi, I am Luna Bishop.

Where do you live? As close to the couch as possible in Birkdale!

How long have you lived there? For 84 doggie years.

What’s your favourite local walk? Along the banks of Tingalpa Creek.

What is your most treasured toy? The pesky flies that keep my kelpie nature busy for every spare second of the day…

What is your favourite food? Meaty bones that take away the taste of pesky flies.

What’s your worst habit? It’s not a bad habit if I keep digging holes deep enough to keep cool in, is it?

What is your favourite local hangout? In one of my freshly-dug, earthy cubby houses.

Who is your best doggo friend? The Bishop family and my border collie x kelpie pal, Glee.

Do you have any funny or embarrassing stories you’d like to share? Occasionally, I do tend to get into places that are so narrow, I really can’t turn around and escape. I love to hide, but the Bishops seem to find me every time!

What do people love most about you? People seem to think I’m always on the go, but hey – you only get one go at life so, I get stuck in. Not like cats…they get nine goes…so I like to chase ’em.

Name: I’m Glee Bishop.

Where do you live? Amidst the birdsong of Birkdale.

How long have you lived there? For most of my 98 doggie years, and before that, on a farm.

What’s your favourite local walk? Wherever we can go slowly. My hips don’t respond to hills like they did when I was a working girl.

What’s your most treasured toy? Just treats, please. I don’t trifle with toys.

Your favourite food? Did someone say treats?

What’s your worst habit? I’ve been known to round up rats and mice, then display my contribution to the household… such fun!

What’s your favourite local hangout? There are about 79 excellent sleeping spots where I live. They are all my favourite.

Who is your best doggo friend? The irrepressible Luna.

Do you have any funny or embarrassing stories to tell? Well, I’m blessed with velveteen paws, so as I age, my feet slide out in four directions if I stand still on glossy tiles, so apparently I look like a fluffy starfish at times!

What do people love most about you? Some say I’m pretty foxy and that I just want pats, but when there are treats on offer, I tend to become extremely adorable.

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