Maggie’s Mates - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views
Maggies Mates

Name: My name is Mary-Kate and this is my sister Ashley.
Suburb: Our kingdom is in Manly.
How long have you lived here? We’re not sure? It’s been a while.
Your favourite local walk? Out our cage door, on to the roof of our enclosure, then down the side to the floor, up the side of the lounge, then we like to sit on the windowsill and watch the world go by.
Your most treasured toy? We love our hammocks to sleep and play in, although that’s probably technically not a toy!
What’s your favourite food? Sushi. We adore sushi and we can smell it a mile away!
Your worst habit? Some people are scared of us, but it’s not our fault. You’ll either love us or hate us.
Who’s your best friend? We love each other and do everything together.
Do you have any funny or embarrassing stories you’d like to share? Mary-Kate once tried to grab the dog’s nose through the cage, and the dog ran away. He respects us now.
What do people like most about you? People love watching us eat sushi, especially when we hold it with our two front paws.

Name: Hi my name is Esme.
Suburb: I am from Manly West.
How long have you lived here? For about one year.
Your favourite local walk? Once the chicken coop door is open in the morning, I am thrilled to walk anywhere there is grass!
Your most treasured toy? Umm…what’s a toy?
What’s your favourite food? Worms and lettuce.
Your worst habit? I can be a bit loud when I lay an egg.
Who’s your best friend? I like our dog, she keeps us safe from the neighbourhood cats. I wouldn’t say we’re best friends though.
Do you have any funny or embarrassing stories you’d like to share? I come running like a wind-up toy to the back steps if I think someone has food for me. I sometimes go so fast I am airborne!
What do people like most about you? My fluffy trousers.

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