Maggie’s Mates - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views
Maggies Mates

Name: Harvey.
Suburb: I’m from Wynnum.
How long have you lived there? For seven years.
What’s your favourite local walk? Down to the waterfront, and oh yes…to Goldie’s at Pierres.
Your most treasured toy? My manky octopus.
Your favourite food? Chicken for sure!
What’s your worst habit? Hummm…I’m 90% attitude; I think I am a human and not a dog, that’s for sure.
What’s your favourite local hangout? At work with Mum, where I get lots of
pats and attention.
Who’s your best doggo friend? I have two, Harry and Polly.
What do people love most about you? I’m always smiling! Plus my ability to
sneeze on command, and how cute I look – people say I look like a sheep!

Name: Miss Frankie, aka Baby Girl.
Suburb: Home is Alexandra Hills.
How long have you lived there? Five years.
Your favourite walk? Just around the hills to give Mum a workout!
What is your most treasured toy? My toys don’t last long enough to become a favourite.
Your favourite food? Fresh chicken necks.
Your worst habit? I am the studio receptionist for my mum’s hairdressing salon, and if a client just walks by without saying hello, I give them a very sad but slightly accusing side-eye until they give me some attention.
What’s your favourite local hangout? Home, as there’s always something happening here. I absolutely live for a good pat and chat as clients come and go.
Who’s your best doggo friend? I don’t have much time for doggo friends but Sophia, Lexa and Charlie visit when their human mum is having her hair done.
Do you have any funny or embarrassing stories you’d like to share? I annoyingly let my Mum know if a client arrives early, even though she already knows.
What do people love most about you? I’m so very friendly and welcoming
and I have a beautiful nature.

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