Maggie’s Mates - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views
Maggies Mates

Name: Barnaby.

Suburb: I’m from Lota.

How long have you lived here? I am nearly three years old and have lived in Lota all my life.

What’s your favourite local walk? Sooo many to choose from! I love the dog beach and I play with my friends at the Lota dog park. I love the walk around the boardwalk at Wynnum too, but I’d have to say, my favourite is walking through the bush between the creek and the Lota football fields. I meet lots of my friends on that walk and there are scrumptious smells (ducks, kangaroos, koalas and water birds). I wish my mum would let me chase the ducks just once, but she won’t!

Your most treasured toy: Well, Ellie the elephant is very special to me. She is the only toy I’m allowed to do something with that rhymes with pump!

Your favourite food? Well I love ‘people food’ when I can get it, but I’m not allowed it.

What’s your worst habit? I like to jump up on visitors when they first come to my house because I love visitors, but my mum and dad don’t like me doing that.

Your favourite local hangout? I just love the Wynnum Coffee Club on Saturday mornings because I can usually score some people food, which I love.

Who’s your best doggo friend? Louie the schnauzer is my best friend. We play at the dog park every day.

Any funny or embarrassing stories you’d like to share? Well, I thought it was funny, but my mum didn’t. Once I got off my lead and ran into the soccer field where lots of little kids were playing soccer. I managed to move every marker on the field with my mouth and zig-zagged through the kids trying to play. They all had to jump over me. My mum was very embarrassed and was running after me and yelling at me to come while all the parents were laughing at her and me. I thought it was a game, but boy did I get in trouble over it!

What do people love most about you? Most people say I’m a real character, but my mum says she loves my gentle, kind spirit most of all.

Name: Zorro Clarke.

Suburb: Manly West.

How long have you lived here? For eight months.

What’s your favourite local walk? Along Manly Road, and to the Lota dog park.

Your most treasured toy? It has to be my Kong.

What’s your favourite food? I love all food!

What’s your worst habit? Dribbling when someone is eating in front of me.

Your favourite local hangout? Definitely Lota dog park.

Who’s your best doggo friend? My best friend is Maisy.

Any funny or embarrassing stories you’d like to share? I love to wear my cape in public. People call me The Super Dog! I also enjoy spending hours looking for lizards.

What do people love most about you? I love to be patted, and will kiss you if given the chance.

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