Maggie’s Mates - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views
Maggies Mates

Name: Murphy Balfe (Murphman, Murphinator, Captain Radical Banana).

Suburb: I live at Lota.

How long have you lived here? Since I was eight weeks old.

What’s your favourite local walk? Behind Bayside United Soccer Club, up beside the train tracks (after a swim) then past the skate park to see the local kids do some cool tricks!

What’s your most treasured toy? The big orange stuffed cat toy I won at Pups in the Park from the Wynnum Manly Vets. I love to carry it around everywhere at home.

What’s your favourite food? Roast chicken pieces and cheese – pay me the cheese tax!

Your worst habit? Playing dead when I don’t get my own way.

What’s your favourite local hangout? Lota dog park.

Who’s your best doggo friend? I’ve got so many friends, but Kevin and Winnie from the Lota dog park would be my besties. We’ve been going to the dog park together since we were puppies.

Any funny or embarrassing stories you’d like to share? If you know me, you’ve probably already got a story. But maybe the time I accidently turned the Rugby World Cup on while Mum and Dad were sleeping and they came out to me watching it on the couch.

What do people love most about you? I smell good, I look good and I smile like an angel!

Name: Hi, my name is Jessie!

Suburb: I’m from Manly.

How long have you lived here? Ever since Mum adopted me from Redlands animal shelter, about six years ago.

What’s your favourite local walk? Along the esplanade and beach near the lighthouse park. Sometimes I like to pretend I’m young again and dig holes in the sand!

What’s your most treasured toy? My humans. I’m not really into stuffies!

What’s your favourite food? The world is my buffet!

Your worst habit? Getting in the way of anything and everything that is unfortunate enough to cross paths with me.

What’s your favourite local hangout? Finn’s Fish House on the Wynnum esplanade!

Who’s your best doggo friend? My nephew, Louie. We like to run around a lot, but he always tires me out because he’s only one.

Any funny or embarrassing stories you’d like to share? One time when my family got me revved up, I mistook a glass door for an open door and ran into it. Ouch!

What do people love most about you? My gentle and enthusiastic personality.

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