Maggie’s Mates - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views
Maggies Mates

Name: My name is Ace, aka Acey, The Big Man.

Suburb: Wynnum.

How long have you lived here? Since I was adopted with Lara in July 2015.

Your favourite local walk? Along the Wynnum Manly foreshore.

Your most treasured toy? My Kong.

Your favourite food? Any, but especially cheese, pizza, chicken, salmon, sardines.

Your worst habit? Shedding!

Your favourite local hangout? Wynnum foreshore, but I also love going to the Wynnum North dog park.

Your best doggo friend? Lara of course, but I do like Turbo, Dakota and Ned.

Any funny or embarrassing stories you’d like to share? I love cardboard; I will steal and destroy any cardboard left around. Also, when our house was being painted, I followed the painter around and licked any of the putty I could reach that was made of linseed oil that he was using for patching. Then I stole a whole tub of it from under a tarp, opened it and licked most of it out. Lucky it didn’t make me sick!

What do people love most about you? My two different coloured eyes and that I am a big softy.

Name: Lara, aka Princess Licky Lulu Lara, or Moo.

Suburb: Wynnum.

How long have you lived here? Since I was adopted with Ace in July 2015.

Your favourite local walk? Wynnum Manly foreshore.

Your most treasured toy? Who needs toys?

Your favourite food? I really like chicken and salmon.

Your worst habit? It’s also my best – I am an excellent singer!

Your favourite local hangout? Wynnum Manly foreshore, but I also love going to the Wynnum North dog park.

Your best doggo friend? Ace of course, but I do like Ned.

Any funny or embarrassing stories you’d like to share? I don’t like being left alone. When I was first adopted, one of my humans took Ace for a run, the other human went upstairs, I sang so loud like I had been hurt, my human came down very quickly to see what was wrong. I have never been left alone again.

What do people love most about you? My beautiful eyes, my beautiful voice and my quirky personality.

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