Maggie’s Mates - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views
Maggies Mates

Name: Hi, I am Paddy.

Suburb: I am from Manly.

How long have you lived there? I’ve lived at Manly for three years.

What’s your favourite local walk? Along the Manly esplanade every morning.

What’s your favourite food? Anything really. I LOVE food!

What is your worst habit? Stealing food, although I am getting better.

What’s your favourite local hangout? Cambridge Lane Espresso at Manly.

Who’s your best doggo friend? Tilley is my bestie.

Any funny or embarrassing stories you’d like to share? Once I took a croissant out of a little girl’s hand at the farmers’ market. Then there was the time I saw a tin of sardines in the pantry and I managed to open them perfectly – no cuts at all!

What do people love most about you? My handsome face and my whippy-waggy tail! Some people call me Whippy! They also love my mischievous nature.

Name: My name is Daisy.

Suburb: I live at Lota.

How long have you lived there? My whole life, for one year.

What’s your favourite local walk? To the Lota dog park.

What’s your most treasured toy? My tug-of-war rope.

What’s your favourite food? I love sardines and raw eggs!

What is your worst habit? Chewing the couch.

What’s your favourite local hangout? Lota dog park.

Who’s your best doggo friend? Violet the boxer.

Any funny or embarrassing stories you’d like to share? My parents often find me jumping on the trampoline on my own, having the time of my life!

What do people love most about you? People love that I am a gentle giant.

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