Maggie’s Mates - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views
Maggies Mates

Name: Hi, I am Rosie, a labrador retriever.

Where do you live? Thornlands.

How long have you lived there? Since I was kidnapped by humans from my real parents
11 years ago.

What’s your favourite local walk? Anywhere I can get free pats and cuddles.

What is your most treasured toy? Ruffy, a stuffed toy doggy.

What is your favourite food? Chicken pieces off the BBQ.

What’s your worst habit? Drooling while waiting for chicken pieces off the BBQ and leaving dog hairs around the house.

What is your favourite local hangout? Waiting by the fridge in the ‘drop zone’ around dinner time. I also love swimming and chasing my ‘wooshie’ (frisbee) at Stradbroke Island.

Who is your best doggo friend? Boris, a big golden retriever.

Do you have any funny or embarrassing stories? As a puppy, I stole Mum’s eye fillet steak off the table while Dad was preparing to cook it on the BBQ.

What do people love most about you? I greet visitors with a stuffed toy from my extensive collection, a happy smile, and a waggy tail.

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