Maggie’s Mates - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views
Maggies Mates

Name: Hi, my name is Sally.

Suburb: I am from Lota.

How long have you lived in Lota? Only for two months.

Can you tell us what your favourite local walk is? I love to walk along the esplanade.

What is your most treasured toy? My pink and purple hedgehog.

What is your favourite food? Meat, all meat! My absolute favourite is probably beef, or Grandmama’s treats, which are yummo!

What is your worst habit? Well, I may overreact to visitors, even if I’ve met them before! I just need everyone to know they are here, with a ‘woof woof’.

What is your favourite local hangout? The Manly markets, where I get lots of pats.

Who is your best doggo friend? I don’t have a best doggo friend, but I do have a best cat friend. His name is Dusty.

Any funny or embarrassing stories you’d like to share? Dusty and I were mucking around when one of us bumped into a large picture frame leaning against the wall. I may have got a little bit of a fright, and well, a fart slipped out and it was wet. It was very scary, you wouldn’t understand!

What do people love most about you? I poke my tongue out at every opportunity.

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