Maggie’s Mates - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views
Maggies Mates

Name: Hello, my name is Kramer (aka Elton John).

Suburb: I live in Manly.

How long have you lived there? I have lived in Manly for three years.

What’s your favourite local walk or activity? I like to stay inside, of course, like a good kitty.

What is your favourite toy? My most treasured toy is my brother Loki. We like to wrestle in the middle of the night!

Do you have a favourite food? I will eat anything! I love whatever is left in the sink after washing the plates. Yum!

What is your worst habit? Going into the shower and meowing loudly so I can hear my voice echo, especially at 2am.

What’s your favourite local hangout? I stay home, of course, but I love the Wynnum Manly Vet Hospital because they take the very best care of me.

Who is your best doggo friend? I will befriend any doggo that comes my way, but unfortunately, some doggos don’t have the same attitude.

Do you have any funny or embarrassing stories to share with us? One day, we had a mouse in the house, and I decided to befriend it. I allowed it to ride around on my back for a short time, and my owners couldn’t stop laughing.

What do people love most about you? Most people love how friendly and social I am. I love pats, but belly scratches are my favourite.

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