United at 50: celebrating Bayside’s football legacy - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views
Community Sport


For five decades, Bayside United Football Club has woven itself into the fabric of sporting and community history in Lota and the wider bayside community. This year, the club celebrates 50 years of football.

In 1954, the Lota Recreation Club was formed by Horrie Stephens and Bert Taylor at Cox Park, operating for nine years until folding in 1963. In 1971/1972, the Wondall United Soccer club was formed, and games were played at Cox Park.

In 1974, due to the increasing number of players across the bayside district, the Bayside United Football Club was created separately from Wondall United. The club acquired a lease on the land at Andrew Street, Lota, which became the Don Randall Oval, named after a local alderman.

Club volunteers fundraised tirelessly to purchase the original clubhouse (even selling $1 bricks). In 1987, the club received a state grant of $6,700 to build a new amenities block with two change rooms and toilets, and in 1992, a further grant was received to finish building the clubhouse and more land works.

Club members were passionate about the club, providing loans and acting as guarantors to enable the completion of works. The clubhouse was officially opened in 1994. Di and Jo Byrne, Bruce and Donna Larkin, Herb and Bev Pontaks, John and Mariyke Lopez, and Paul and Marie Lascilles became honorary foundation life members.

Thank you to Joe Byrne for sharing this history. You can see more from Joe and share your memories via the club’s special anniversary Facebook page: Bayside United FC – 50th Anniversary Celebration.

Bayside United is, and has always been, a club built on football, mates, and family, where everyone can belong.

In the lead-up to the official anniversary celebration on Saturday, August 10, Kristen Barnes (Vice President) says that the new committee is working hard to gather the club’s history and memorabilia from across the decades. If you have been a part of Bayside United or know someone who has, the club would love to hear from you. Please reach out to [email protected].

Formal celebrations will be held at the clubhouse at 34 Andrew Street, Lota, on Saturday, August 10, from 3:00pm. The club is planning activities for children, mixed games for Masters, Legends, and Walking football, a memorabilia display, and anniversary polos will be on sale to commemorate the event. This is a free, family-friendly event that all members, past and present, are warmly invited to attend.

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