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Maggies Mates

Name: Jock.

Suburb: Manly.

How long have you lived here? I’ve been in Manly just over two years after being rescued from Warwick. I’m coming up to four years of age.

Your favourite local walk? Anywhere really … I just love getting out and exploring. The waterfront is great and so is Chelsea Road Reserve.

Your most treasured toy? I’m not really into toys … I was born to work. To that end, I have a huge selection of balls of different sizes, shapes and textures. Each one gets a turn at being “tool of choice” for a day.

Your favourite food? Whatever is in my bowl, which is usually kangaroo and chicken. I also love bones and milk.

Your worst habit? Whoops – it’s a little rude. I like to pee while I walk, which burns long lines in Dad’s nice lawn. I also like to share my love by peeing in public water bowls. Dad also says he’s still trying to find my “off button”, whatever that means.

Your favourite local hangout? Is this a trick question? Lota Dog Park for sure.
I go there every morning to work. There are so many nice people and hairy friends there, like Lucky, Freya, Sadie, Luna, Bella, Flash… I chase balls. I herd my friends. It’s such fun… I mean, rewarding work.

Your best doggo friend? Too easy: Ranger! He’s my bestest buddy in the whole world and we work so well as a team.

Any funny or embarrassing stories you’d like to share? I like to get my dad up early so we can get to work ASAP. I sneak up onto the bed and gently kiss his ear until he stirs, then slink back down onto my bed like nothing happened and pretend to wake up when he rolls over. He thinks it’s such a coincidence we always wake up at exactly the same time.

Name: Hi, my name is Gypsy!

Suburb: I live at Lota.

How long have you lived here? I have lived in Lota for 18 months. I was born
in Toogoolawah but left there for Lota when I was six weeks old.

Your favourite local walk? I love my daily walk near Lota Creek and along the esplanade.

Your most treasured toy? Definitely “squeaker”. You can see him in my photo.

Your favourite food? I adore steak and chicken and any meat my humans
are having.

Your worst habit? Chasing magpies and possums, but I haven’t caught any yet.

Your favourite local hangout? I like to hang out at Sorrentino’s with Dad for coffee.

Your best doggo friend? I enjoy meeting any small dog and I’m particularly fond
of my neighbour, Buzz.

Any funny or embarrassing stories you’d like to share? I got off my lead once
and nobody could catch me. I really enjoyed myself, but my human dad was the
only one embarrassed.

What do people love most about you? I’m often complimented for my cute big ears.

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