Maggie’s Mates - The Community Leader and Real Estate New and Views
Maggies Mates

What is your name? Hey, my name is Tabs. Also known as Teabag.

Where do you live? I’m from Wellington Point.

How long have you lived there? Oh, I forget. Maybe five years?

What’s your favourite local activity? Biting the man’s feet when he’s not expecting it. That, and eating.

What is your most treasured toy? Catnip. But I’m not allowed to have it because it makes me cray-cray.

What’s your favourite food? I’m on a stupid urinary diet (gross!). If you saw my waistline, you’d know I’m not fussy.

What’s your worst habit? Staring down the dogs in the house.

Your favourite place? On my trampoline bed in the sun.

Who is your best friend? I don’t really like anyone, but maybe the woman? She’s the only one I don’t harass in the household.

Do you have any funny or embarrassing stories you’d like to share with us? Not really, I don’t really have a sense of humour.

What do people love most about you? Aunty Jackie loves me because I’m a tabby boy. The woman loves me because I don’t set her allergies off (as much as I’ve tried). She also says she loves her fat boy while she rubs my belly. I like it, but pretend not to.

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