Name: Hi, my name is Chisel, but Mum calls me Chissy!
Where do you live? I live in Wellington Point.
How long have you lived there? I’ve lived in Wellington Point for about six years.
What’s your favourite local walk? I don’t walk. It’s too scary! But I do like nosework, though. I’m really good at it.
What is your most treasured toy? I don’t play with toys. Toys are too scary.
What is your favourite food? Oooh! I like lots of foods! But chicken nuggets are my absolute favourite.
What’s your worst habit? Screaming my head off when Mummy
gets home.
What is your favourite local hangout? Mummy’s lap.
Who is your best doggo friend? Marlo, I suppose.
Do you have any funny or embarrassing stories to share with us?
So embarrassing! Once, when I was asleep, I spooned the cat, Tabs.
We don’t like each other.
What do people love most about you? That I’m an anxious little soul
who has come such a long way to be braver.